Symmetrikit Starter Packs


Symmetrisleep enables people with movement problems to learn to lie straight. It can prevent body shape distortion or correct established problems when used as part of a 24 hour Postural Care Programme. Maintaining body symmetry also protects joints from the destructive effects of gravity.

Hospitals, Aged Care & Healthcare Groups Contact us for your Group Special Pricing.

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AVAILABILITY - Stock not held in every state. Please confirm availability with your local sales team.

Symmetrisleep enables people with movement problems to learn to lie straight. It can prevent body shape distortion or correct established problems when used as part of a 24 hour Postural Care Programme. Maintaining body symmetry also protects joints from the destructive effects of gravity. The system allows for gentle progression by gradually introducing elements as tolerance improves. It is easy to use and adjustable for any age, position and bed.

Why use a Starter Pack?

• Suitable for all types of mattresses including airflow/dynamic/turning/hybrid
• Supine, Side Lying, Semi-Side Lying & Prone positioning
• Pressure Relief through Airmantle Technology
• CoolOver Active Temperature Management
• Assessment and Set Up in ONE VISIT!
• Lightweight & Portable

What’s Included in the Adult Starter Pack?
A - One Single Hook & Loop Flat Receptor Sheet (with guide marks)
B - One Single Airmantle with CoolOver Cover and PU (wipedown) backing
C - A Pair of Small Brackets
D - A Pair of Medium Brackets
E - A Pair of Medium/Large Brackets
F - One Medium Roll Cushion including CoolOver Cover
G - One Large Horseshoe Cushion including CoolOver Cover
H - CoolOver Bracket Pads - Small (x2), Medium (x2), Medium/Large (x2)
I - One Large Symmetrisleep Travel Bag (Blue)

What’s Included in the Junior Starter Pack?
A - One Single Hook & Loop Flat Receptor Sheet (with guide marks)
B - One Single Airmantle with CoolOver Cover and PU (wipedown) backing
C - A Pair of Small Brackets
D - A Pair of Medium Brackets
E - One Medium Roll Cushion including CoolOver Cover
F - One Medium Horseshoe Cushion including CoolOver Cover
G - CoolOver Bracket Pads - Small (x2), Medium (x2)
H - One Large Symmetrisleep Travel Bag (Blue)

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