Azalea Max Wheelchair Self Propelled
SKU: INV-AZALEA-SP21MAXHospitals, Aged Care & Healthcare Groups Contact us for your Group Special Pricing.
AVAILABILITY - Stock not held in every state. Please confirm availability with your local sales team.

A tailor-made solution for plus-sized users.
The Rea Azalea Max is designed to meet the specific needs of plus size users. The Rea Azalea Max is a niche product that compliments the existing Azalea family from Invacare.
The Rea Azalea Max includes features such as tilt-in-space with weight-shifting and DSS (Dual Stability System) mechanism from the Azalea range. Stability in this wheelchair originates from body length compensation in the back and leg rests, which is beneficial for users with limited movement and that have difficulty changing position.